Hello all! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Wanted to pop on to say HEY and show you this year’s Christmas card! We had family pictures taken in late November and I’m so so happy with how they turned out…

I decided to do a quick recap of our busy year on the back side. One particular edition that I haven’t blogged much about is our kitten Mittens who decided to join our family this November.
For the longest time we didn’t get a cat because we thought Craig and Carver were allergic. We took in the stray kitten that kept coming to our door for a few days with no signs of an allergic reaction. About $500 and a few cat sweaters later, we have a new member of our family. She is so patient and tolerant of the boys. Craig is surprisingly her biggest fan of all. She isn’t a very playful kitten. She’s extremely lazy and doesn’t even like to play with toys. She will meow at us until we pet her but that’s about as much action as we get out of her. Personally, I was hoping for a more playful kitten and I told Craig we should get her a friend but he sadly said no. (For now, we will see how long that lasts!)

And while I’m posting I thought I’d share a few family pictures from our recent photo shoot as well!

That’s all I have for today! Thanks for stopping in!
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