Author: thepinkshoelaces_qhxdtx

  • New Blog, New Haircut, New Me?

    New Blog, New Haircut, New Me?

    Well welcome to my little corner of the universe, formerly known as and now known as I’m not going to lie, it was a pain in the you know what to try and get this new blog set up. My sister Kayla usually does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to…

  • An Update/Home Remodel

    An Update/Home Remodel

    I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and encouraging words about the loss of my blog. Many suggested I use this Facebook page to share updates in the meantime, I think I’ll do that. While I was taking a break from the blog we completed some EXTENSIVE renovations on our home – with…

  • Bad News.

    Bad News.

    Hey guys, it’s been a minute. Unfortunately I’m not writing this morning with good news. But I feel the need to make a post to update you all on the status of The Pink Shoelaces. If you’ve been reading my blog since 2019, you’ll probably recall that The Pink Shoelaces has a meaningful origin story…