The Pink Shoelaces


New Blog, New Haircut, New Me?

Well welcome to my little corner of the universe, formerly known as and now known as

I’m not going to lie, it was a pain in the you know what to try and get this new blog set up. My sister Kayla usually does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to IT stuff but this website, this domain, everything you see was put up by me!

If you were signed up for my original newsletter that comes out each Thursday with the week’s blog posts, that will still come as scheduled (again that was a nightmare to switch over too). If you’d like to subscribe to my newsletter, here is the link – I’m almost to 500 subscribers!

I’m starting to feel like myself again. I’ve mentioned before I had a REALLY rough time with my mental health starting last June, for a long time it felt like nothing was going to help.

Then the whole blog thing, losing my domain name and website and 5 years of blog posts really was a double whammy. I do have access to some/most of my blog posts through something called the way back machine so I can still revisit the posts for now.

I’ll be taking and resharing some as time goes on, maybe do some blasts from the past like my mom does on her blog.

In other news, I chopped my hair! In the best way! I’ve wanted to go short for so long but was afraid I was going to regret it. Whaddyah think? I think it is fitting for how much better I’m feeling. Definitely needed freshen things up a bit.

Anywho, that’s all I have for today. Thanks for checking in, I’ll keep on working on this darn site of mine. I’m just kicking myself for ever cursing it in the first place. What’s that they say, be careful what you wish for? *sigh*

18 responses to “New Blog, New Haircut, New Me?”

  1. Carolyn Sullivan Avatar
    Carolyn Sullivan

    Awesome So glad you are back! and you look great too!

  2. Joy in NW Iowa Avatar
    Joy in NW Iowa

    Looks good! Glad you r back!

  3. Mary Jeanne Bruce Avatar
    Mary Jeanne Bruce

    Love you new hairstyle, very well done. So sorry to hear about your previous blog, some humans out there are so mean. Keep up the good spirit and know ou have a lot of followers out here who appreciate your efforts. Be well and smile with that new hair!!!!

  4. Dorothy Countryman Avatar
    Dorothy Countryman

    Love your family!!

  5. Paula S. Avatar
    Paula S.

    Congrats on getting the new blog set up! I always think a fresh haircut makes me feel better and it gets rid of those split ends!

  6. Julie Campbell Avatar
    Julie Campbell

    Good to see you back!

  7. Kim from Wi Avatar
    Kim from Wi

    Love the new cut, makes your face shine. Glad to have you back and I look forward to reading your blog. I moved to Wisconsin in July to be closer to my mom, who lived in Osage. I’m glad we made the move, being closer to family has been nice. Our daughter welcomed us to Stevens Point. I’m sorry you were having such a difficult time with your mental health, it can be so lonely. Glad you are doing better. I look forward to the new blog, after all your hard work getting it up and running.

  8. Karen Avatar

    Congratulations on the new blog!
    Glad to have you back. Your hair looks great.

  9. Angie Avatar

    Welcome back. Love the new haircut. Look great!

  10. Martha W in WY Avatar
    Martha W in WY

    Love the new you look! I’m so glad you could see some of your old posts. Maybe you can have a thumb drive near by and get in the habit of moving every new blog on to it right after you write it. The blog is the electronic journal. It would be devastating to loose another one. I’m glad you’re back and feeling good. Love your smile!

  11. carolyn Avatar

    Glad to see your are back with us both in print and in your life. Keep moving forward… it is the best we can do some days. One foot in front of the other. Waiting patiently for updates on the boys… have missed our new baby and his development.

  12. Amy Avatar

    Love your hair! Glad you are back. Have missed you!

  13. Becky Avatar

    Love your haircut and that you are back!!,

  14. Kay Avatar

    Glad your back. Love the hair. Haircuts always make me feel better.

  15. Mayme Avatar

    Glad to see you back. I missed seeing the kids and & hearing about every day life.

  16. Lori Avatar

    You are adorable, and the haircut is just right for you!

  17. Carmen M. Avatar
    Carmen M.

    So glad to hear from you again! Love your new haircut! Congratulations on your new blog!

  18. The Joyful Quilter Avatar

    Cute new haircut, Kalissa, and welcome back to BlogLand!!

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