Friedman Family Update – June 2024

My June calendar is spilling over at the edges. Between coordinating babysitters, baseball games (we have 3 just this week), new t-shirt designs, and work my schedule is filled to the brim.

First off, I want to wish everyone who celebrates a HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! If there was any question as to whether I support the LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈 community, let me clarify, although I don’t belong to the community myself, I absolutely and unapologetically stand with them in love and support.

Pride is SO important because there are people out there who believe they would be better off dead than being who they are. I have many close friends who belong to this community and I strive to be the best ally I can be.

Baseball season is in full swing around here and while Gannon and Carver both started out this ball season, I think Gannon may be more content playing in the sand box and on the playground. He was initially recruited a year early because they didn’t have enough players but now that they do, he’s going to enjoy the rest of the season cheering on the sidelines and raiding the concession stands for candy.

Carver on the other hand, is in love with baseball. He’s doing pretty good this season and we love watching him play.

This Summer is kind of tricky. The older two boys are totally independent. I want to take them hiking and to throw rocks in the river and all the fun, boy, Summer stuff. Then there’s Anders. Anders has very little sense of danger or the word “no.” He’s still super sensitive to nap times. Anders will be 2 in September so he’s just the wrong age to be joining us on super fun adventures which is a bummer. I know it’s just a season and I hate wishing this time away but I do wish he was a little older and a little more able to partake in the fun.

The older boys (7 and 5) are also kind of thrown into chaos this Summer. We have a variety of babysitters to cover our various hours we need childcare. Nothing is really very consistent and I know kids need routine and structure but this is what we can do right now to keep coverage. Our local daycare provider didn’t have room for the three this Summer so some mornings they go to a daycare center that’s 25 minutes from our house. We are glad to have that resource but also, it’s kind of a pain to have to drive that far.

Then of course we have our wonderful mother – daughter duo. I would say they act as our nanny but they really mean so much more to us than that. They come 2-3 days a week.

I have a big huge spreadsheet that contains all of the schedules and who comes when etc. It’s a lot of work to coordinate all of this but we are making due at the expense of having a set schedule/structure for the boys.

There is some good news however, I just finished up my last shift at the end of my current contract. I’ll be honest, this last contract has not been my favorite because I’ve been working on the med-surg floor since January. If you know me, you know I’m an ER girly. The pace is just not for me.

My new contract starts soon and I’ll be at a local hospital, just 20 minutes from me and I’ll be primarily working ER with very few weekends which is great and just how my schedule lands. I still would prefer to work ER in a large hospital but this is the best alternative there is. I’ve been to this hospital before and I love the people who work there.

We’ve got some big financial goals through the end of the year so I’m going to be primarily at this hospital, picking up hours in the ER at the larger hospital I work for, and then I’ll be launching three new cross stitch shirts here in June. Here’s a sneak peek:

I’ll be brushing the cobwebs off of my Etsy shop later this June so keep an eye out for that!

That’s all I have for now, thanks for reading this long update. Feel free to drop a comment, I love to read them!

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6 responses to “Friedman Family Update – June 2024”

  1. Hedy Avatar

    I’ve been here from the beginning and with your mom before you were married. Your 3 sons are so handsome, I’ve loved seeing pictures of them. Anders needs more pictures, the youngest never has as many pictures as the oldest. I had 3 children in day care so I understand your issues. It gets easier eventually. Enjoy your summer.

  2. Becky Clay Avatar
    Becky Clay

    The boys are growing so fast, enjoy them while they are young! Glad you’re doing shirts again, just wore one the other day and got complimented on it again.

  3. Beth Wills Avatar
    Beth Wills

    Wow! Sooo busy! Just a nite from an RN that worked both small town ER and big city ER…..your biggest challenges a d learning experiences will be at the small town ER. Most likely, what EVER comes thru the door is yours! Any thing can happen in a mostly rural setting! The larger ERs were so modular compartmentalized. If you work in the lac. Module, you will be setting up and finishing up from sutures all day, every day. Uck. Or belly module. How much N&V can you do? Peds?, Gyn? All day, every day. Nope, give me the little ER any day! Good luck on your new contract!

  4. Amy Avatar

    Can’t wait to see your new designs!

  5. The Joyful Quilter Avatar

    I don’t envy the crazy of your summer with managing all of the schedules, Kalissa. Best of luck with the new shirt launch!

  6. Sandi Avatar

    I read about you on your mom’s blog. I think you have a wonderful family. I’d love to order one of your tee shirts. I’ll watch for them. Hugs,

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