The Pink Shoelaces



I heard a rumor about myself the other day.

It attacked my character.

It attacked my work ethic.

It wasn’t true.

I was ruthlessly defended by a dear friend who then told me about the incident.

My first reaction was shock. What they were saying couldn’t even be remotely true based purely on logistics of my very few interactions with this person.

My second reaction was a new one. Peace.

Old Kalissa would have been sent spiraling. Old Kalissa would have believed every word that was said. This would have ruined my night. I would have had a lump in my throat and a tightness in my chest for the rest of the shift. I would have wanted to call them out and prove them wrong. I would have wanted to make amends with every person who had heard this ugly rumor about me to make sure they knew “the truth.”

But instead I felt…peace. Because I know me.

I know that it isn’t true.

I know people who know me know it isn’t true.

I know my work ethic speaks for itself.

I know myself. I trust myself.

A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds.

It’s taken a LONG time to get here but I finally think I know me enough to have peace with the fact that if someone believes that ugly rumor, they don’t truly know me or the fruit that I bear.

…and its only taken me a year and a half of therapy to get here 🙂

13 responses to “Rumors.”

  1. LaNan Eldridge Avatar
    LaNan Eldridge

    The power of words can be extraordinary when used positively but also the opposite when hurtful. I applaud you for your inner strength Enjoy your day.

  2. Becky Clay Avatar
    Becky Clay

    You go girl! I’m proud of you and who you are, and I haven’t even met you but know you’re a good you!

  3. Carolyn Avatar

    Good for you! I can’t say that I would have been that nice about it.

  4. Penny Avatar

    It doesn’t take much to crack our self confidence, but obviously yours is strong. I, too, have grown so much in the last few years, and it feels good. Contine to believe in yourself. You come from a special family and your children are learning from you.

  5. Lori Avatar

    Good for you, don’t let “that” person take up space in your head.

    1. Lori Avatar

      (I don’t know how to edit).
      I wanted to add:
      “that” person is just jealous of you and your abilities.

      1. Carrie Avatar

        Spot on Lori! Only the jealous would speak such untruths.

  6. Lynn Avatar

    I agree that people who talk about others are very insecure. As a coworker of mine used to say “rise above it”, which it sounds like you have done!

  7. Kim from Wi Avatar
    Kim from Wi

    I think words can be uplifting and hurtful and lucky you for being able to move on and not give them the power to ruin your life with the hurtful kind. Be true to yourself, be confident in who you are, and those things can be powerless over you. Good for you, Kalissa

  8. Debra Broyles Avatar
    Debra Broyles

    You made it young lady! I’m so proud of you. Don’t worry about what people say. I have a hard time with this, too, but the truth comes out and the person spreading untruths will lose credibility. Have an awesome evening and keep that smiling glow about you.
    Blessings for a very peaceful shift.
    Debra Broyles

  9. Kate Avatar

    You are doing so much better than many others to know what was said wasn’t true and to know to let it go. Keep up the good work!

  10. Sandi Avatar

    I’m so sorry this happened to you. You should be so proud of yourself. You are such a good person and I know this thru your mom. I read her blog and love reading about her family. Hugs,

  11. BRENDA Avatar

    wouldn’t it be grand if rumor mill people used the crazy waste of time creating positivity ?? Imagine what a lovely world we would live in. It also makes one wonder how such drivvle is enhancing their own lives.

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